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Museum centre main complex:

Antiquarium Truentinum

Museo delle Anfore (The Amphorae Museum)

Museo Ittico "Augusto Capriotti" (“Augusto Capriotti” Fish Museum)

Museo della Civiltà Marinara delle Marche (Regional Fishing and Seafaring Culture Museum)


Wholesale fish market buildings (Mercato Ittico),

Viale C. Colombo, 94

63074 San Benedetto del Tronto AP


Where we are:

Google Maps




The San Benedetto del Tronto railway station is about 7 minutes away on foot.



CIRCOLARE B Start  Porto D'Ascoli FS - Sentina - Lungomare - Stazione FS – FERMATA S. BENEDETTO DEL T. - PIAZZA PESCATORE


Linea 7 Start  Stazione FS - Lungomare Grottammare - Grottammare Paese Alto – FERMATA S. BENEDETTO DEL T. - PIAZZA PESCATORE


- A bike path, which runs along the entire Palm Riviera, passes in front of the Maritime Museum.

- There are free parking spaces in front of the Museum and in the harbour area.



Pinacoteca del Mare (Art Gallery of the Sea)

Palazzo Piacentini

Via del Consolato, 14

63074 San Benedetto del Tronto AP


Where we are: 

Google Maps




Villa Marittima

Piazza Sacconi/Via Rossini

Paese Alto

63074 San Benedetto del Tronto AP


Where we are: 

Google Maps




-The San Benedetto del Tronto railway station is about 13 minutes' walk away.

-There are pay car parks at 'Paese alto'.






MAM Museo d'Arte sul Mare open-air exhibit

South Quay (Molo Sud)

63074 San Benedetto del Tronto AP



Where we are:

Google Maps



- The San Benedetto del Tronto railway station is about a 12-minute walk away.

- Free parking spaces are available nearby.




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Viale Colombo n. 94

63074 San Benedetto del Tronto - AP - Italia

cell. +39 353 4109069

tel. +39 0735 592177

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